4927.TWSE: Apex International Corporation

Below is just a sample of the Company website (source: APEX & ASEAN / Synopsis of Group ) Story Floods has reviewed with some preliminary suggestions.  Should the Company decides to accept these edits, please extend the professional curtesy of informing Story Floods at support@storyfloods.com ; or if the Company has further questions, please also feel free to contact Story Floods at support@storyfloods.com

Items Suggest the Following Edits (as of Mar 31, 2023)
1change to “and was registered”
2change to “The name Apex”
3change to “Mr. Woody Wang, the Chairman of Apex, deems that perfection is impossible, so the Company’s goal shall be to approach excellence as closely as possible.”
4not sure what this sentence means?
5change to “Apex management aims a firm grasp of the ever-changing market demand in order to provide high-valued products. In order to achieve this, Apex executes high-standard production management and adopts forward-looking strategies. In addition, the Company’s culture emphasizes the importance of efficiency and harmony in fulfilling end consumers with electronic products of diverse applications.”

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