4526.TWSE: Tongtai Machine & Tool Co., Ltd. 

Below is just a sample of the Company website (source: News & Events ) Story Floods has reviewed with some preliminary suggestions.  Should the Company decides to accept these edits, please extend the professional curtesy of informing Story Floods at support@storyfloods.com ; or if the Company has further questions, please also feel free to contact Story Floods at support@storyfloods.com

Items Suggest the Following Edits (as of February 28, 2022)
1change to “Tongtai Attained the Dingge Award”
2change to “Tongtai attained the Dingge Award on September 29, 2021. This award is co-hosted by Harvard Business Review and SAP, with expert evaluation in respective industry. With extensive efforts in R&D and practical implementation, Tongtai was the final awardee after successfully challenging many world-class companies.”
3change to “The honor of the Dingge Award belongs to all of Tongtai’s staffs, who position themselves as ‘professional doctors’ to the customers in addressing challenges in parts manufacturing. Through comprehensive diagnoses of pain points, Tongai is able to provide proven solutions to customers and to guide them in the domain of intelligent manufacturing. Looking ahead, Tongtai plans to conduct many technical courses for experiences and knowledge sharing. Meanwhile, feel free to contact Tongtai for more information.”

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