6169.TWSE: InterServ International Inc. 

Below is just a sample of the Company website (source: About) Story Floods has reviewed with some preliminary suggestions.  Should the Company decides to accept these edits, please extend the professional curtesy of informing Story Floods at support@storyfloods.com ; or if the Company has further questions, please also feel free to contact Story Floods at support@storyfloods.com

Items Suggest the Following Edits (as of July 31, 2023)
1change to “is an IPO company who is one of the leading game developers in Asia. The Company originally developed PC MMORPG, casual games, and consoles. Nowadays, InterServ focuses on mobile games. ”
2not sure what this sentence means, suggest to re-phrase
3change to “InterServ’s experiences, innovation, international collaboration, and qualities have won many prestigious awards, including “Most innovative Game of E3” with Iron Phoenix. This was the first PC online game that allows 16 players to battle each other simultaneously.”
4change to “For more new releases, please visit: “

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