2114.TWSE: Hsin Yung Chien Corporation

Below is just a sample of the Company website (source: About Us / Company Profile ) Story Floods has reviewed with some preliminary suggestions.  Should the Company decides to accept these edits, please extend the professional curtesy of informing Story Floods at support@storyfloods.com ; or if the Company has further questions, please also feel free to contact Story Floods at support@storyfloods.com

Items Suggest the Following Edits (as of Mar 31, 2021)
1change to “at the time, there was only a few staff working in a small factory, Mr. Lin had an ambition and grand plan to become the biggest belt manufacturer in Taiwan. Therefore, the Company name and its brand were called “KING” with the intention to achieve leadership position within the conveyor belt industry.”
2change to “In order to enable the brand to better represent the Company products, concepts and corporate spirits, the Company logo was designed to start with symbolizing the endless potential of product extension; and means the spirits of continuous innovation and advancement. The two images were combined to form the Company brand logo, which clearly differentiates the unique “KING” style.”

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