2545.TWSE: HUANG HSIANG Construction Corporation

Below is just a sample of the Company website (source: About HHE / Company Profile ) Story Floods has reviewed with some preliminary suggestions.  Should the Company decides to accept these edits, please extend the professional curtesy of informing Story Floods at support@storyfloods.com ; or if the Company has further questions, please also feel free to contact Story Floods at support@storyfloods.com

Items Suggest the Following Edits (as of Mar 31, 2021)
1change to “Mr. Nian-ji Liao, Chairman of Huang Hsiang Construction, “ + “, primarily because of his devotion to the local community and the “Home Ownership” policy from the government.”
2change to “NT$60 million. After consistent operation scale expansion, the paid-in capital reached approximately NT$3,277 million as of [December 31, 2020]” + suggest equivalent US$ figures after NT$ figures
3change to “In April 1996, in order to better enhance the corporate branding, “
4change to “Since the founding of the Company, Huang Hsiang has successfully completed many robust construction projects “
5change to “of these completed projects is over 90%, which are strong testaments to the Company’s well-deserved reputation and to its strong business foundation for long-term sustainability.”

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